US House Allows ChatGPT

What we can learn from the House Memo on data privacy; How to think about the future of advertising with generative AI

Welcome to another edition of what we’re determined to make the best damn newsletter in AI. Here we’ll break down AI topics that matter, open your mind to use cases, and keep you ahead of the curve.

Our #1 goal is to be useful. So please shoot us an email 📩 if you have questions or feedback, and especially if you implement something we share!

Here's what we're covering today:

  • US House allows ChatGPT with restrictions

  • What a leading AI-advertising platform says about the future of ads with generative AI

  • Checking in on emerging controversies in politics, education and more

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Let’s get to it! 👇


What to learn from the US House Memo on ChatGPT usage about Data Privacy

Yesterday, the US House sent out a memo limiting the usage of large language models to ChatGPT Plus ONLY and with two major security requirements:

Interestingly, the memo calls out that only ChatGPT is allowed - no other large language models, which we assume refers to Bard, Bing and others. This could be because the data sharing policies of those products are significantly less clear than OpenAI’s recent communication on ChatGPT.

But zooming out - why does this matter?

Tons of companies and businesses are essentially in a holding pattern on their AI adoption plans right now out of concern about making a wrong move when it comes to data privacy, security, hallucinations, and other valid risks.

But many of those issues seem likely to resolve, and potentially sooner than later.

Data privacy is one of the biggest areas of concern, and one we cover a lot here because of how critical it is for most businesses’ AI adoption. As we’ve spoken to many businesses, they often seem like they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place:

Do we use ChatGPT and risk data privacy issues?

Or do we ban it and risk falling behind our competitors?

And for anyone working at a company, it feels even worse when AI tools are banned - meanwhile, other people are getting experience using these tools in their work.

This move by the US House could be helpful to organizations looking for a good data privacy standard to abide by.

And we’ll share again, if you want the full debrief on data privacy considerations in ChatGPT, here’s our free resource.


Generative AI will go deeper into advertising than you might think

It’s no secret that generative AI is dramatically changing the landscape of advertising. Anybody can hop in an AI image tool and probably create something good enough to run in an ad.

But deeper beneath the surface, AI-powered advertising platforms like Omneky are pushing the limits of what’s possible.

Here were some of the insights Hikari Senju (CEO at Omneky) shared during his workshop:

  • The future of ads will be powered more and more by generative AI. But you won’t want that happening on Facebook, Google, etc. individually; you’ll want to have one platform to coordinate it all to maximize your results

  • As we use generative AI more for advertising, one fear is that “all ads will look the same because it's all AI.” Hikari challenges that based on what his platform is building — “the authentic message that works is different for every brand."

  • Today there are many use cases where brands or even agencies don’t have the manpower to test all the ideas and ads they would like; that’s where generative AI can really shine - helping you test more to find what works, faster.


🔒️ Premium Only: A Taste of What’s Dropping This Week

  1. If you’re been looking to build simple AI apps and chatbots with your prompts and your data, join us in hosting Zapier’s AI team for a member-only workshop Thursday on Zapier Interfaces.

  2. Check out Learning paths, a guided list of our resources and playbook chapters to help you ramp up quickly on a specific application within AI Operations

    1. Get the Prompting Learning Path

    2. Get the Custom Chatbots Learning Path

    3. Get the AI-Powered Automations Learning Path

  3. Check out the latest playbook chapters on fine-tuning a “model chatbot", and the rest of the AI Chatbots chapters.

Have an AI question? Chat with AIxChat, your friendly AI consultant trained on all the knowledge in The AI Exchange 🤖 


For your reading list 📚

AI in politics, education and life …

Is Stability AI doing hot, or not …

And if you're really nerdy...  

That's all!

We'll see you again on Thursday. Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected].

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🪄 The AI Exchange Team