Teaching AI to Do Your Work

Our framework for building frameworks; Streamline support with our FAQ generator prompt

Welcome to another edition of the best damn newsletter in AI.

As a reminder, we’ve opened up Reader Questions. Our mission is to make using AI accessible to every business, and a huge part of that is making sure you’re not stuck and that we continue answering diverse questions. So, submit your question here. We’ll review every single one and cover answers here in the newsletter.

Here's what we're covering today:

  • Building frameworks to teach AI how to do your work

  • Simplify support with an AI-powered FAQ generator

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!

Let’s get to it! 👇


The #1 Non-Technical Skill for the AI Era

With the impending launch of GPT-5, you may be wondering how to stay relevant in a world where AIs are rapidly advancing. To that, our advice is to focus on sustainable advantages, not short-term ones that could easily be disrupted. 

What is a sustainable advantage in AI? 

One that grows in value as AI can augment more and more of our everyday work and lives. We recommend focusing on these versus short-term plays which AI advances will make redundant. 

Unless you’re building AI tools, learning the latest and greatest RAG approaches or graph infrastructure isn’t a good use of your time. 

Focus on a more sustainable skill set that centers on honing your expertise and your ability to translate those into something that AI can execute.

One of the best ways to do this is to get good at building frameworks, training guides and best practices that you can use to teach AI how you want it to do your work.

Struggle with building these frameworks? Well today we’re going to share our framework for building frameworks. (meta but so useful!). Enjoy.

Building Frameworks with the 3-2-2 Method

Do it randomly and obsessively (3 times)

Don’t jump in and immediately try to create a process or methodology for a new task. Instead, start by doing it manually and spend your effort on making it excellent. Don’t worry about doing it the same way every time or paying too much attention to how it's done. The most important thing is to focus on the work itself.

Do it mindfully (2 times)

Next, do it mindfully. This is where you slow down and start paying attention to patterns and common factors. Begin building your documentation and outlining a strategy for how you could train someone else to do the task.

Do documentation and feedback (2 times)

Finalize your documentation, and then have someone else follow it. Provide feedback on their first and second attempts, especially edge cases that you may not have uncovered when doing it yourself.

Some final tips for building great frameworks:


Keep refining your framework as it’s used by both you and others. A great framework can get even better over time (it’s why many of the best business books have 2nd editions and more!).

Learn the language

We don’t often see people using established terminology where they could. For example, in social media content, "pull quotes" is the industry term for snippets from podcast interviews.

Pro tip: if you’re not sure if there’s an established term for something, try asking ChatGPT – “I’m making a guide about how to do XYZ, is there a common term for that?”

Balance simplicity and detail

Apply the 80/20 rule. A simple and detailed framework often outperforms a complicated one. Focus on a few steps and ensure they are thoroughly understood.


Simplify Support with an FAQ Generator

Ever feel like you're answering the same questions over and over again?

What if there was a way to streamline your customer support process, freeing up your time for more important tasks?

#StealOurPrompt for your very own FAQ generator. All you have to do is change the product or topic you want FAQs for in the Instructions! 👇️ 

Act as an expert FAQ generator. Your job is to predict questions that our customers might have about a product, new feature, or business announcement. You are not required to answer the questions.

# Criteria
- Questions should be specific to the provided product, new feature or business announcement.
- Questions should range from general to those about service details, pricing, and troubleshooting.
- Prioritize questions that address common concerns or pain points of customers.
- Consider the different stages of the customer journey (awareness, consideration, decision, post-purchase) and include questions relevant to each stage.
- Ensure the questions are straightforward and easy to understand.
- Include relevant keywords that your customers might use in search engines to find information about your product or service.

# Instructions
Write a set of FAQs for [insert relevant information about your product, new feature, or business announcement]


For your reading list 📚

AI voice technology is under scrutiny...

AI is shaping the future of app development...

AI is driving the future of transportation...

AI and privacy concerns continue to clash...

Have a burning AI question? Or stuck trying to help your team adopt AI?

We read every single question submitted and use these to inform the topics we go deep on. 👇️ Submit your question below!

That's all!

We'll see you again soon! Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected].

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!


🪄 The AI Exchange Team