Reader Question: Do I need a CAIO?

The trajectory of AI ownership inside organizations; how to improve your media interview skills for free

Welcome to another edition of the best damn newsletter in AI.

As a reminder, we’ve opened up Reader Questions. Our mission is to make using AI accessible to every business, and a huge part of that is making sure you’re not stuck and that we continue answering diverse questions. So, submit your question here. We’ll review every single one and cover answers here in the newsletter.

Here's what we're covering today:

  • The Chief AI Officer role

  • Improving your media interviews for free (+ a bonus Custom GPT)

  • OpenAI launches more stuff

  • & more

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Let’s get to it! 👇



Do I need a CAIO (Chief AI Officer)?

How should we address the need to either recruit or up-skill leaders for GenAI projects? CEOs of large organizations need a champion to drive the development and integration of AI use cases. Should we hire a Chief AI Officer?

- Reader Question (submit your own here)

Alright, let's talk about Chief AI Officers (CAIO).

If you haven’t heard of a Chief AI Officer, it’s one of the newer roles on the scene, coined as the c-suite executive in charge of determining and implementing the AI strategy.

Today we’re going to share:

  • Why CAIOs are important

  • Why we believe they’re temporary (& what they’ll morph into instead)

  • How to lead effectively through AI

Organizations are scrambling to keep up with the insanely fast pace of AI adoption. The learning curve is steep, and change is happening at breakneck speed. So they're turning to CAIOs to help navigate the chaos.

A great CAIO serves a specialist in the boardroom, accelerating an organizations’ understanding, planning and mobilization of critical AI efforts.

But as companies start to wrap their heads around AI, we think the need for a dedicated “AI leader” will fade away. The smartest CAIOs out there know this. Their goal is to make their own role obsolete. In fact, most of them are opting to work fractionally (part time for many companies) instead of going all in on one role.

So then who will step in to fill the gap?

We’ve covered this before. But every organization should have these two work streams: AI Operations and AI Product Development.

  • AI Operations answers the question of how can we integrate AI into the way we work and build teams to be more efficient, do better work and drive more value for our customers?

  • AI Product Development answers the question of how can we integrate AI into the products and services we offer to better solve the customers’ problems?

Who will own these work streams?

  • AI Operations → likely Chief Operating Officer (COO)

  • AI Product Development → likely Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and/or Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Notice the CAIO isn’t included. The Chief AI Officer is an important catalyst role today, but AI ultimately needs to be integrated and central to leadership for orgs to get the full benefit.

So if you’re leading an organization and thinking about the CAIO role. You’re getting it partially right.

When it comes down to it, AI is demanding an up-skill across the board. And that pressure is especially true for leaders.

But as AI becomes ubiquitous, it won't just be one person's job anymore - it'll be everyone's responsibility to make it happen.


Get free “media training” in minutes — using AI to build lasting sound bites

Being great at media interviews is a skill. In fact, people pay thousands of dollars to get “media trained”.

We’ll show you how to DIY for free.

One of the key components to media training is having prepared sound bites.

Next time you’re doing a podcast, public speaking, etc:

  1. Record yourself talking about the topics you plan to cover

  2. Get an AI-generated transcript using free tools like 

  3. Input the transcript to the Sound Bite Generator custom GPT.

Try our free Custom GPT or steal the prompt 👇️ 

You are a world class journalist working on an article for the New York Times. I am going to give you a transcript and I want you to create 5-10 great sound bites for the article. 

Rules for a great sound bite:
- Use as few words as possible to express your key message. Aim for 10 to 15 seconds or less.
- Use simple and direct language that avoids jargon, acronyms, or technical terms. Aim for a 5th grade reading level.
- Use techniques such as stories, anecdotes, metaphors, analogies, quotes, statistics, or rhetorical questions to make your sound bite memorable and engaging.


For your reading list 📚

AI coming to more of the products you already use...

  • Indeed announces AI-powered tools including a work experience writer and support for multiple resumes, aiming to improve job history descriptions and make the recruitment process more efficient.

  • Yahoo is buying Artifact, the AI news app from the Instagram co-founders, aiming to modernize Yahoo News' content for its 185 million monthly users.

On AI ethics, responsibility and safety...

AI is transforming the way we communicate...

If you’re really nerdy...

Have a burning AI question? Or stuck trying to help your team adopt AI?

We read every single question submitted and use these to inform the topics we go deep on. 👇️ Submit your question below!

That's all!

We'll see you again soon! Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected].

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!


🪄 The AI Exchange Team