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PREMIUM: Everything You Need to Start Automating with AI

11 new playbook chapters + 6 step-by-step video tutorials. All on automating with AI.

Happy Monday!

This week's premium content is all about taking it to the next level with AI Automations. And if you haven't gotten your first AI Automation set up yet, this one is for you. šŸ’™

Yes, ChatGPT is a 10x productivity boost. But imagine a 10x productivity boost that runs automatically. And then you can set up another one. And another one.

This is exactly what AI Automations can do for you.

We personally use AI Automations a lot for our business, and we advise companies we work 1:1 with on how to identify and set them up as well.AI Automations can unlock big wins in:

  • boosting your teamā€™s productivity by reducing repetitive tasks or making it easier to get answers to common questions

  • taking a text-heavy process you do often like writing a project brief and setting up an automation that creates a first draft with the click of a button

  • improving your customer experience by adding personalization to the experience such as providing recommendations, drafting personalized sales emails, etc

  • and a lot more

But it can be hard to get started.

Thatā€™s why we want to offer 2 things:

1. Start with ONE task. And the community is here to help. If you get stuck, just post in #learn-automations in Slack and there are other people working through the same processes

2. A huge drop of resources (list below) where we wrote down exactly what weā€™ve been telling companies we work with, and created beginner-friendly tutorials to help you get started

Cheers to a new week and excited for you to dig in!

Below you'll find a breakdown of the new playbook section Getting Started Guide: AI + Automations, and the new 5 case studies with video tutorials walking through how you can set up different types of automations yourself, step by step.

Dig in below, or you can access everything in The AI Exchange Playbook along with the other chapters (must be logged in with subscriber account).

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[Subscriber Log In Required] Getting Started: AI + Automations

If you're new to AI + Automations, you'll want to first get set up on a few accounts which we walk through in the Getting Started chapter. Then, it's best to spend a little bit of time learning Automation Basics. This is a new skill to develop, but by spending a little bit of time getting comfortable with the concepts and the terminology, you'll find actually building these automations much easier.

Then, you'll want to start Planning Your Automation Project. This chapter walks through the steps we take to break down a project into an actionable plan, along with tips, gotcha's and considerations that we hope can help along the way. If you get stuck or want to bounce ideas, come chat in #learn-automation in Slack!

Now we get to the fun part. In our work, we've found 8 types of AI-powered tasks or logic that ChatGPT is suitable for. We broke those down into their own chapters so that you can understand what they are good for, how to set them up, and each links to a case study (w/ video tutorial) and Zapier template + prompts to get you started.

Each of the chapters above links to a case study which contains a video tutorial for how to set up an example AI-powered automation. But you can also jump into the case studies directly. We added the following:

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