How to Navigate the Custom AIs Ecosystem

Why your business should invest in custom AIs; AI's role in shaping your company's culture

Welcome to another edition of the best damn newsletter in AI.

As a reminder, we’ve opened up Reader Questions. Our mission is to make using AI accessible to every business, and a huge part of that is making sure you’re not stuck and that we continue answering diverse questions. So, submit your question here. We’ll review every single one and cover answers here in the newsletter.

Here's what we're covering today:

  • How businesses can leverage custom AI models like GPTs to boost productivity, attract customers, and more

  • A step-by-step guide to defining your company's core values using AI

  • Lots of exciting AI updates this week

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Let’s get to it! 👇


The Custom AIs Ecosystem

You’ve likely heard about recent AI developments from GPT-4o, Google I/O, and the competition between OpenAI and Google for real-time AI chatbots. Today, we’ll focus on a different, equally important topic that we think you and your team should be discussing this week: “custom AIs.”

Over 1 million people have created custom GPTs, now accessible to all free users. Google has introduced Gems, their custom GPT equivalent, and Microsoft offers the Copilot ecosystem.

The big players are investing in custom AIs. And today we’re going to talk about why you should too.

How businesses can take advantage of “Custom AIs”:

While Gems and the Copilot ecosystem are developing; custom GPTs are much further along. They are pretty easy to build, share and discover. So we’ll use them as our example, but we expect this advice will hold true across all the different custom AIs:

Making your team more productive

Custom GPTs are one of the easiest ways to go from ad-hoc AI usage to thinking of it more like a system. 

Identify 'papercut tasks' like summarizing resumes for open jobs, converting paragraphs into bullet points, or adjusting brand tone in emails.

Note: Using the free version of custom GPTs allows OpenAI to train on your data. For data privacy, consider a team account.

Create a new offering for your customers

If you browse the Custom GPT store, you might notice that major brands like Canva or AllTrails have custom GPTs as a compliment to their existing offerings. 

Right now, we’re mostly seeing tech products create custom GPTs. But we expect this will grow in popularity. 

(If you’re an agency or service provider and have had success with Custom GPTs, reach out - we’d love to hear about it!)

Attract new customers

Last but not least, there’s an opportunity to use Custom GPTs as a new platform that’s emerging. Anytime there’s a new platform, there’s usually an opportunity to serve unmet demand and use that to acquire new customers. Startups like Consensus and individuals like Nicole Leffer are great examples of how you can create a custom GPT that solves a need and use that to drive new leads for your business. 

Begin by asking your customers how they use ChatGPT. Then, create enhanced Custom GPTs to meet these needs and offer them to your clients.


Discover Your Core Values Using AI

Struggling to define your team's core values? AI can help you shape the principles that will drive your culture and decision-making.

Core values are a set of principles that define your culture. They provide clarity and direction, influence personal development, and help you make decisions that align with your goals.

We’ll show you how to DIY with AI.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Gather Your Team: Bring your team together and create a comfortable environment for an open discussion.

  2. Discuss Your Company’s Identity: Talk about your company's mission, vision, and the characteristics that make it unique.

  3. Steal Our Core Values Prompt: Input the insights from your discussion into this prompt and let AI go to work.

Act as a an expert Chief Culture Officer. Your job is to shape and maintain the company’s culture. You’re responsible for defining and embedding core values across the organization. 

# Context
[add context about your business including mission, vision and goals]

# Criteria
- Core values should be genuine and true, reflecting actual beliefs and practices
- Core values should be easily understandable and simple. They should avoid complex jargon. 
- Core values should be actionable, providing clear guidance for behavior and decisions.
- Core values should be inspirational, motivational, and aspirational but achievable.

# Instructions
Create 5 core values for my organization

By following this process, you'll uncover values that not only define your culture but also help you make decisions that align with your goals.


For your reading list 📚

AI advancements in the tech industry...

AI in the world of social media and content creation...

AI in customer service and market research...

AI in healthcare and education...

Have a burning AI question? Or stuck trying to help your team adopt AI?

We read every single question submitted and use these to inform the topics we go deep on. 👇️ Submit your question below!

That's all!

We'll see you again soon! Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected].

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🪄 The AI Exchange Team