[Guide] Should You Buy ChatGPT For Your Team?

Unpacking the benefits of Team ChatGPT; how to get AI to take notes in your meetings for free

Welcome to another edition of the best damn newsletter in AI.

This free newsletter is designed to keep you ahead of the curve and open your mind to using AI in your work and business.

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Our #1 goal is to be useful. So please shoot us an email šŸ“© if you have questions or feedback, and especially if you implement something we share!

Here's what we're covering today:

  • Ways to use ChatGPT as a team and recommendations based on team size

  • New AI-powered meeting notetaker Fathom and how it works

  • Concerns around AI models trained to deceive & more

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Letā€™s get to it! šŸ‘‡


How To Get Your Team on ChatGPT (Without Wasting $)

OpenAI has launched Team ChatGPT last week, and we immediately got questions on whether we think you should subscribe.

So today, we're breaking down the different ways to use ChatGPT as a team (of 5 people).

Your Options

Let's be honest that you could totally use ChatGPT 100% for free (in which case, there's other alternatives we'll cover again soon).

  1. Use Free ChatGPT accounts

  2. Share on paid ChatGPT Plus account

  3. Buy 5 ChatGPT Plus accounts

  4. Buy 5 ChatGPT Team seats (new!)

  5. Custom build a ChatGPT clone

But what do you get with each? What are the costs? The data privacy?? šŸ‘‡

So what should YOU do? Of course it depends - but here's our general recommendations:

Teams of less than 10? Everyone on Team Accounts

For small teams of less than 10, we suggest getting team accounts for everyone. The billing headache alone is honestly worth it, and as OpenAI rolls out more team specific features - you're poised to benefit.

To make the most of it -- Encourage use, experiment, and prioritize getting your team up to speed on how AI can streamline your operations. (+ we have a way we can help below!)

Teams of more than 10? Use the Hand Raiser Adoption Strategy

Start with accounts for 3-5 people, and set up free accounts for the rest. Upgrade as needed. This way, you can track AI adoption in your team and encourage use, rather than just paying for everyone upfront.


We're doing a series on overcoming AI adoption challenges. So, hit reply and let us know what you're struggling with. šŸ‘‹ 

Get on the list for BIG things coming in 2024

Whether youā€™re stuck in an AI adoption rut or looking to level up your team this year - weā€™ve got some big things in the works.

Our new trainings & programs always fill up fast, so let us know what youā€™re interested in (or hit reply!):


Start Having AI Take Your Meeting Notes (Free Option!)

You know the absolute CHAOS around meeting notes.

Don't feel ashamed - we've been there too.

But we haven't lately because of our team's heavy adoption of AI notetakers.

AI notetakers aren't new. BUT we did recently find an AI notetaker with a free, unlimited plan for individual use: Fathom AI

How it works:

  1. Fathom AI joins your video calls as your AI companion

  2. After the call, it summarizes and pulls out action items

  3. You get an email which you can even share with other participants if you want.


For your reading list šŸ“š

FINALLY, Copilot is starting to be available to ā€œthe rest of usā€...

  • Microsoft's new $20/month Copilot Pro plan brings AI to your 365 apps - making all those fancy AI demos more accessible to the public, where Fortune 100 were the only companies getting access before

Adopt AI thoughtfully, otherwiseā€¦

Will we have a new AI in all of our pockets?

That's all!

We'll see you again soon! Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected].

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šŸŖ„ The AI Exchange Team