Don't ban ChatGPT

Don't ban ChatGPT, do this instead; Prompt template to repurpose content

Welcome to another edition of what we’re determined to make the best damn newsletter in AI. Here we’ll break down AI topics that matter, open your mind to use cases, and keep you ahead of the curve.

Our #1 goal is to be useful. So please shoot us an email 📩 if you have questions or feedback, and especially if you implement something we share!

Here's what we're covering today: 

  • Recommendations for guidelines to set with your team and ChatGPT

  • A prompt template to help you get the full value out of repurposing content with AI

  • And what you should be paying attention to in the AI world

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!

Let’s get to it! 👇


You shouldn’t ban ChatGPT at work. Do this instead.

ChatGPT Pro, Bing Chat and other solutions are flooding the market. You're reading this newsletter because you want to be prepared and navigate the next wave.

And one of the issues top of mind for most teams right now is -- we didn't plan for this!

The reality? Nobody did.

What is our “stance” on AI at work?

We are talking with teams across every industry, and one common theme is that people are developing a clear policy around how people can and cannot use ChatGPT.

Here’s what you should know:

With our data privacy hats on, we kindly remind you that all prompts (input) and generations (output) in ChatGPT are shared back with Open AI because we are in their research preview.

If that's a no-go for your team - check out Open AI's GPT Playground, you can opt out of data sharing if you use Open AI’s GPT Playground directly.

Some teams are choosing to ban ChatGPT at work altogether.

And while we try our best to stay objective in this newsletter - we’ll be honest that we think that’s a terrible move.

While you’re banning use of AI at work, your competition isn’t.

And even worse - your team might still be using it behind your back (hey - it’s not that different from what’s happening in the classroom today).

But we're here to help.

Some starting guidelines we recommend:

  1. No proprietary or sensitive data should be sent into ChatGPT

  2. Any use of ChatGPT for work deliverables should be disclosed (and supported by managers)

  3. If you want to use AI for more in-depth work, please use the Open AI playground within our “organization” and we’ll opt out of data sharing with Open AI

  4. Have another question? Ask!

All in all, if you haven’t had a candid conversation at your work - now might be the time.


Repurpose content with a purpose

One of the best ways ChatGPT can be used for content creation is to help repurpose existing content from one platform to another.

And this is especially true when the second platform requires a shift in format, style, or tone from the original platform. Think about how much your content between Twitter and LinkedIn changes!

Here's how you can do it - 

First, you’ll want to identify high-performing content on the platform you’re trying to repurpose from.

Some ideas of existing content that’s ripe for repurposing with AI include:

  • Previously high-performing TikToks

  • Compelling clips from past podcasts or YouTube videos

  • Your company’s best Tweets or Instagram captions

Second, you’ll need to grab an example of a high-performing piece of content on the platform that you’re repurposing to.

One good way to get ChatGPT to create good content for the new platform is to give it an example of what good content on that platform looks and sounds like.

Using previous examples will help to get ChatGPT to more closely follow your style and tone of voice that you use for the second platform - although it might not be a perfect match.

Then, combine the two pieces of content you’ve collected into the following prompt format:

You are a social media copywriter. You take [original content type] and write [new content type]. Below is an example [new content type], followed by Instructions and the [original content type] to convert to a [new content type]:

## Example [new content type]

[add example]


Below is a [original content type]. Can you write this in a [new content type] including relevant hashtags and a clear call to action?

## [Original content type]

[add original content]

## [New content type]


For your reading list 📚

The tech around AI "delivery" is heating up 🔥

  • Open AI's plans for Foundry, a new dedicated API service solution for enterprise customers was soft announced. One of the most interesting things? 8x context window, meaning you could send WAY longer documents.

  • It's now possible to run GPT models on significantly smaller devices. This might even mean more competition in the AI model space is in our near future.

And if you're really nerdy...

  • Notion AI launched more broadly

  • Artifact, the AI news app by the Instagram co-founders launched more broadly

  • And Bing Chat is coming to mobile devices

Member only links (more info on joining here!)

That's all!

We'll see you again on Tuesday. Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected]

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!


🪄 The AI Exchange Team