Open AI's ChatGPT Plugins Change... A Lot

11 takeaways from the launch; repurpose longform videos with AI

Welcome to another edition of what we’re determined to make the best damn newsletter in AI. Here we’ll break down AI topics that matter, open your mind to use cases, and keep you ahead of the curve.

Our #1 goal is to be useful. So please shoot us an email 📩 if you have questions or feedback, and especially if you implement something we share!

Here's what we're covering today:

  • Why ChatGPT Plugins could alter the software space as we know it

  • How to use AI to automate your video clipping process

  • Some great links to keep you in the loop on AI

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Let’s get to it! 👇


11 Takeaways on the ChatGPT Plugin Launch (yes, there's that many...)

Open AI launched Plugins for ChatGPT (get on the waitlist here)

They describe Plugins as the “eyes and ears” of ChatGPT, to give it access to information that is either more personalized, use case specific, or up to date.

Packed in the initial launch were a handful of featured plugins: Instacart, Expedia, OpenTable, Shopify, Zapier and others. Plus Open AI’s own plugins for Browsing, Code Sandbox, and Data Retrieval.

While it’s still in alpha phase (heavy feedback, likely rolling out slowly). We think this is a big deal. And very much worth paying attention to as you shape your AI strategy.

Here’s what you should know (and btw, all the demos are here):

1) ChatGPT can now access real-time data

Both the Browsing and plugins give ChatGPT access to real-time data. Their featured plugin, Fiscal Note, adds regulatory and political data to start.

2) ChatGPT can use your own data

Open AI’s retrieval plugin lets you store information in an outside database, and use ChatGPT over that dataset

3) ChatGPT can have long term memory

You can now store things in an outside database, including prior conversations - essentially giving ChatGPT memory.

4) ChatGPT can recommend things

ChatGPT was already suggesting movies, travel plans, recipes, etc. But now, it can connect to products like OpenTable for restaurant recommendations, Expedia for travel tips, and more.

5) ChatGPT can take actions for you

And it doesn’t stop at recommendations. ChatGPT can take actions for you. The plugins demo shows ChatGPT filling an Instacart cart with the ingredients you’d need to cook a recipe it recommended. Then one click to check out.

We also shared a demo of connecting our email and having ChatGPT draft a response. Crazy stuff.

6) ChatGPT can now do math

Wolfram Alpha, a popular math app, will make it so that ChatGPT can now actually do math.

7) ChatGPT can structure messy information

A little less hyped, but very exciting for many business use cases - ChatGPT can be an interface to translate from messy data like raw notes to something structured.

8) ChatGPT is clearly very flexible

Zapier is a popular tool that helps you build and automate workflows between different products and was included in the initial set of plugins. Zapier connects to 5,000+ other tools - meaning ChatGPT already has an ability to communicate and work with all of those tools as well.

9) ChatGPT can analyze data and pictures

The Sandbox Code Interpreter, one of Open AI’s own plugins, lets you write and run code, upload files like CSVs and images, even do analysis - all within the code sandbox.

10) ChatGPT can choose between plugins

Everything above kind of starts to sound like an app store… doesn’t it? Well even more so - ChatGPT itself will do the “choosing” of which plugins are used for the task.

For those eagerly awaiting to see what the “new” SEO is. CSO could be it… Chat Store Optimization?

11) Data privacy and ownership are still big open questions

Our main critique of the launch is that data privacy and ownership are still addressed in vague terms. It’s very clear that your data will be subject to whatever plugin terms. But how that data might be stored and used for ChatGPT itself is unclear.

Unless addressed - we see this limiting business adoption heavily.

So what should you be doing to prepare?

ChatGPT plugins are still in alpha with limited access. Join the waitlist.

In the meantime - ask yourself:

  • How would my work change if I could connect ChatGPT to any information or product

  • How would my business/product change if I could connect it to ChatGPT

  • How would my industry change if we could interact or do business through ChatGPT

It’s early. But we’re here to help you think about what matters, early. And starting to internalize that this is where this tech might be headed will only help.


Repurpose long YouTube videos into engaging clips

We've seen how AI can supercharge content repurposing between platforms, but what about taking long-form video content and generating high-quality video clips in just a few clicks?

As a busy business owner, Joseph Valenzuela uses Munch to repurpose his long-form video content into shorter, more engaging pieces of content automatically.

Munch's AI extracts clips from your uploaded content and/or YouTube videos to generate short-form content, already optimized for a variety of other social media platforms.

Check out the full Stack here to see how Munch has completely changed the way Joseph creates videos for his business!


For your reading list 📚

What's happening in AI...

And if you're really nerdy...

Member-only links (more info on joining here!)

  • We put together a resource on the most popular Prompting Formats we've seen leveraged with GPT (Member Hub link, must be signed in)

  • Also be ready for something big dropping this week (!!!)

That's all!

We'll see you again on Thursday. Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected]

... and if someone forwarded this email to you, thank them 😉, and subscribe here!


🪄 The AI Exchange Team