Bing launches their own Plugins

Where is search heading? Use this framework to help automate any task

Welcome to another edition of what we’re determined to make the best damn newsletter in AI. Here we’ll break down AI topics that matter, open your mind to use cases, and keep you ahead of the curve.

Our #1 goal is to be useful. So please shoot us an email 📩 if you have questions or feedback, and especially if you implement something we share!

Here's what we're covering today: 

  • Bing Chat's new announcement has us asking once again: "What is the future of search??"

  • Need help starting with AI automations? We've got you.

  • And we're keeping an eye on these other notable AI product launches

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Let’s get to it! 👇


Bing Chat announced their next phase: their own plugin store

ChatGPT is getting a lot of attention for their code interpreter plugin which is slowly rolling out to more people. But they’re not the only ones on the plugin game.

Today, Microsoft announced that a similar “actions store” is coming to Bing Chat. Developers will be able to build on top of Bing Chat to offer integrated experiences, letting Bing’s AI model go beyond just searching and take actions for you.

Sound familiar? Well it looks familiar too. Their demo even featured OpenTable, one of OpenAI’s current darlings in their plugin alpha.

But as Bing rolls out their next step in reimagining search, it leaves us with an important question: What is the future of search??

Is it a chatbot with an ad-supported business model like in Bing?

Or a chatbot with a subscription service like ChatGPT Plus?

And how will businesses participate? There’s a heck of a lot less space in a chat response than an entire search page. And if you notice above — Bing Chat picked OpenTable, as opposed to giving you options that include Resy, Tock, etc.

“How do we get our app there?” is about to be everyone’s next question.

p.s. Bing Chat is now available to everyone and the developer platform + plugins are going to start rolling out soon in conjunction with Microsoft Build later this month.


A framework for building AI Automations

We're in the Productivity Era of AI. And as we've talked to tons of businesses, the biggest wins continue to come from using AI to help automate mundane tasks. But if you're not sure where to start, we've got you.

We created an AI + Automations 101 guide to help you understand the basics, learn how to break down tasks, and find ways to start using AI in your work.

And for premium subscribers, watch your inbox for a mega-launch of 11 new playbook chapters on the topic, complete with videos, step-by-step tutorials and prompts. 🤯


For your reading list 📚

The incumbents are still at it...

And if you're really nerdy...

  • Algolia, the search system that powers 17K+ websites like Walgreens and Under Armour, added generative AI capabilities and a vector database to its search experience

  • Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer in AI, left Google and is now talking about AI's dangers

That's all!

We'll see you again on Tuesday. Thoughts, feedback and questions are much appreciated - respond here or shoot us a note at [email protected]

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🪄 The AI Exchange Team